Latvian Open Championship English Sporting

The Latvian Sporting Federation, in cooperation with the "Ievas siers" shooting range, has held the Latvian Open Championship in English Sporting on the first weekend of June. They fought for the title of Latvian champion for two days 84 athletes from 4 countries.

The organizers had arranged for an exciting competition in the great shooting range, the athletes and hunters were spoiled by summer weather, but the targets and flights were challenging and required high levels of concentration throughout the competition.

This time the victory in the overall ranking and the title of Latvian champion in English sports for the Norwegian athlete Nicolai Wagner, the vice-champion title for the Estonian Veikko Tihvan, the third - Arnis Romans. All competition results can be viewed here.

At the end of the competition, everyone present was delighted with a lottery of valuable goods, where they could win gifts from our supporters -, Ievas siers and Infriray Latvija.

There is currently a small break in the Latvian sporting calendar until the Latvian open championship in Compaq sporting, which will take place on 13-14 will take place in Rezekne in July.


Shoot miss!