Latvian athletes' licenses
Starting from 2019 with the assigned license number, is necessary to register in the competitions organized by FITASC
What is an annual license?
The license allows participation in competitions organized by LSpF in Latvia, as well as in competitions organized by FITASC abroad. Without an active LSpF athlete's license, participation in FITASC organized competitions is not allowed. Athletes who do not want to pay the annual license fee will be able to participate in competitions organized by LSpF, but the participation fee will be 10 euros higher. A unique serial number is assigned to the license, which will be valid for competition registration on the FITASC website.
How much does a license cost per year?
The annual license fee is 50 Euro.
The LSpF website has available information with a list of active Latvian athletes licenses. It is possible to pay for the license by checking to the specified LSpF current account:
Bank details:
association: Latvian Sporting Federation
reg. no. 40008062988
purpose of payment: for an annual license